
website under construction


Howdy howdy howdy, hi-diddly-halloo thar~! I’m Biho Bercilak, a pseudonymous linguist, and this site will serve as a comprehensive grammar of/general primer about my constructed language project, Łedu. I have been developing Łedu as a hobby for the past 7 years, and the language is now largely functionally complete, with only a few minor issues and esoteric grammatical situations to resolve. It is an agglutinative, VSO language isolate, a morphosyntactic and phonological mouthful, and a great deal of fun to experiment with! It also bears its own, entirely unique cursive alphasyllabary.

The next stage of this project, which is already underway, is the cultural and sociological design of the Łetęts tribes who speak Łedu, as well as their natural and human geography, mythos, economic systems, and so forth. I’ve tried to hold my conlangery, speculative ethnography, and mythopoeia to relatively realistic standards – i.e. a language that could have developed among a real people group (well…. mostly), and a culture that said real people could practice – but I’m certain it shall also retain many traces of my own whimsical flavoring~

The site will be under intermittent development for an indeterminate period of time: I’m a busy individual and don’t have frequent opportunities to write new sections for it, so all such content is stored in my head and haphazardly in a few digital note files until such time as I lay it out in public detail here. Therefore, a lot will remain unavailable for a while, but I (and by proxy, my friend who assists in the webdev) will complete it eventually! Until then, enjoy! ^_^